Touch controls are probably better off just being removed entirely.
Hit boxes are very strange- there were times when an enemy hit me through the underside of a platform or seemingly without touching me at all. In level 2, the first moving platform and the fireball are timed in such a way that it is nearly impossible to make the jump onto the platform, as when the platform is close, so is the fireball. And it is a *very* tight jump to make, especially with the limits of the controls.
Computer controls far better than mobile, which would actively lag out or flat out refuse to respond to input, but it's not great.
More importantly, platforms act a little strange. It's very easy to fall off because the edge of the platform image goes farther than its hit box. In level 2 there are fireballs in the beginning that fly straight through the ends of the platforms. It's possible to climb a ladder while just barely touching the side of it. And moving Platforms are much harder to land on than they need to be because the edges of the platform effectively don't exist.
There are also times when the design of the level is counterintuitive.
Multiple spots have enemies that can fly out from offscreen and kill you instantly,
Level 2 has the worst instance of this in the area right before the first moving platform, with several snails and a rock creature all crammed under a platform topped with two more snails.
Even if you don't run directly into them by accident, it is impossible to clear the area without dying multiple times. If the enemies on the ground don't get you, then one of the snails on the top platform will if you try to climb up.
And if that doesn't happen, then you will die on the ladder because you somehow managed to brush the underside of a snail on the platform above through solid rock, or just barely touch the top of the rock creatures head somehow.
There are also a lot of spaces with enemies, but no room to maneuver to actually jump on top of them, which results in cheap deaths.
It's not great.
The enemies aren't that great either.
Even ignoring the "pulled from Facebook" aesthetic of the snails, they are poorly designed on a strictly mechanical method. The combination of absurd speed and needing to hit them 4-5 times, in addition to the aforementioned hitbox issues, is not a good design. These guys are irritating, perform the majority of the aforementioned ambushes, and are such a pain to kill that it is more practical to run past them than to attempt it all.
The rock monsters can't be attacked with the jump alone, but tend to be in places where high ground is hard to reach. Except the area right before the near impossible moving platform in level 2, which *technically* has a platform right there... if you live long enough to reach it.
Overall, the idea is fine, but the game is very rough in its current state.
Broken medals are the least of the problems here.
The game might be controllable, but it's not fun to play.