Just a Jersey girl drawing things.
I'm currently working on my comic, Dreamtamers, as well as other things. ^ ^

Age 27, Female

Balloon Monkey

New Jersey

Joined on 4/14/21

Exp Points:
5,494 / 5,880
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Vote Power:
6.45 votes
Art Scouts
Portal Security
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B/P Bonus:
2y 6m 15d

Griffonmender's News

Posted by Griffonmender - January 5th, 2023

This is virtually the same as the policy page I have on Deviantart, minus a few edits and the removal of sections that deal with DA specific content.


Policy Page: Newgrounds Edition

1: My stuff is Mine

- You may not repost any of my art without permission.

-You may not trace and/or recolor my art. 

-You can use my work as reference material, but it must not be an incredibly obvious copy. (Example: the works look pretty much the same side by side, very few noticeable differences, etc.)

-All of my icons are free to use but you must give a link back to me if you use them anywhere else.

- If you do use my icons/stamps, please do not use them in comments like harassment, trolling, and/or perverted comments. 

-My music/content on Youtube you must also ask permission to use and link back to me.

-You may not use any of my videos to create "x, but sped up", "x, but it's y", or "x without y" type videos.

- I have nothing against Gachalife/Gacha Club, but please do not make "Gacha React" content with my work, or similar videos.

-You may not use any of my work to create bases, nor make bases of any creatures/species of my design. 

-You may not use my characters for any sort of political cartoon and/or propaganda.

     If you want to draw politics, use your own characters.

-You may NEVER claim any of my art, characters, concepts, music, or anything else I have created as your own.

- Yes, you are allowed to take requests/art trades/commissions that involve my work, but they must follow the policies outlined here. If someone asks for anything not allowed by these rules, you must refuse the offer.

Furthermore, selling fanart on Print on Demand sites such as Redbubble or Teespring is strictly prohibited. (I barely get sales as it is...^ ^;)

-Reposts are not allowed by Newgrounds site policy, and will be considered art theft.

Reposts to other sites- like Tumblr- are not ok either. If I wanted my art on that site, I'd put it there myself.

Linking other people to my art/gallery is fine. ^ ^

2: Fanart is allowed and encouraged, but there are some rules we need to follow.

-No NSFW, blatant fanservice, fetish, pantyshots, etc.

- If you simply must do extreme gore, please do so purposefully and not just as cheap shock factor. 

-Fanfic is expected to follow all of the rules fanart does.

-Pairings are allowed until you give me reason to not allow them.

-Incest or other inappropriate pairings are NEVER ok, except for specific exceptions mentioned on this page. Characters 18 years or older are considered adults. For characters of more than average age, please check their concept for their biological age, and determine appropriate matches with that. 

- If an entity is treated as a person, it’s fair game for pairings with people, unless it’s outright stated it’s an animal.

- Entities that count as people, regardless of how animal-like they appear, may not be paired with nonsapient animals. A character that is an sapient animal may only be paired with other sapient animals, unless they can shapeshift into people.

-The only exception to the no incest rule is if it’s a Historical AU during which marrying one’s cousin was normal. This exception applies only to cousins, and only if that actually was normal during that time period. Do not exploit this rule.

-Parodies are fun -when they are all in fun.

Overly rude or unpleasant parodies will be considered violations of the “No NSFW, blatant fanservice, fetish or excessive gore” policy, depending on content.

Affectionate parodies are always encouraged. ^ ^

-AUs are always welcome- please label them as such to avoid confusion.

 -Please don't go around claiming that your headcanon, theory, and/or personal opinion is canon when it's really not. 

-Don't take other people's fanart/fanfic- reposting it, claiming it as your own, and/or selling it is not ok.

- Links back to the policy are strongly encouraged.

3:Third, OCs who are one of my species and/or are part of one of my universes are encouraged, but also have to follow a few rules.

-This isn’t a rule, but I recommend reading hatedlove6’s Mary Sue guide before making your character. Link here: https://hatedlove6.deviantart.com/art/Mary-Sues-Part-1-185285110

I find it quite helpful myself. ^ ^

- As your OC is effectively fanart, they have to follow the fanart policies. If you do not think you can follow these policies, then do not create a character that’s one of my species and/or in my universe(s). Save us both the trouble.

- Do not expect anyone to magically know that your character is so-and-so’s daughter/sister/cousin/son/brother/ex/whatever- I’m no psychic.

- Your OC can date a fictional character- you can not.

Further, you are NOT my character’s boyfriend/girlfriend/ex/relative/whatever.

And you most certainly are NOT my character- or one of my species/creatures.

Please remember to distinguish fiction from reality.

Reality is awesome. ^ ^

-Roleplaying is fine, but remember to follow the fan art and conduct policies and to behave in a sane, rational manner(see directly above.)

-Crossovers are encouraged.

- No, your OC can not be in the comic- too many copyright issues. 

Further, it's possible that they just don't fit in the story/universe. Thank you for your understanding. 

4:Conduct on my pages. 

-Please try to limit your questionable language and/or discussions. 

There are younger users on here. 

If you are one of those younger users, you shouldn’t be using that language anyway.

This extends to icons/emoticons used in the discussion.

(Also, I don't want to see anything that needs to be unseen if I can help it.)

- Be nice to other commenters- yes, even the trolls. Trolling back does nothing but start flame wars I’ll then have to deal with.

- If you find a troll or scammer in one of my comments sections, have trouble with another user in the comments, or find anything seemingly in violation of these policies, please inform me.

- Putting down another style (or another element) while complimenting mine kinda sucks the joy out of the compliment.

-Trolling and scam comments will be reported. Chainmailers will be told to knock it off- continued insistence on posting chainmail will be reported. You have been warned.

- I would love to receive critiques. Please remember that neither insults nor compliments are critiques. If you are unsure of how to critique, here is a simple method: A simple way to do a critique is this: two stars and a wish. Essentially, just take two compliments (stars) and add one suggestion for improvement(wish).

This works best if the wish is sandwiched between two stars- although if you're short on time/compliments, putting the wish first and following it with a star works as well.

- Rabid fangirl (or fanboy) behavior is strongly discouraged, regardless of fandom. I do not have time to negotiate your arguments. If you can not behave yourself, please don't come here. ^ ^;

Five: Request, Art Trade, and Commission policies

- If it does not follow the fanart policies, you can not have it. End of discussion. 

- Do not beg for requests.

- Art trades are perpetually open- except when commissions are, and vice-versa.

-When I open commissions, you are to ask for a slot, stating what you want, hear back from me to get your commission approved, and then pay me.

I will not start your commission until I’ve been paid- if you fail to pay within a week, your slot will be canceled.

-If I have to redo your commission more than once, I will begin charging extra.

- Please know exactly what you want before you commission me.

Be very specific about what you want.

"Clown Dragon”, for example, could mean any number of things.

-I retain the right to refuse and/or cancel a request, arttrade, or commission if you

A: Fail to follow the request, art trade, and commission policies

B: Fail to keep up your end of the bargain

C: Engage in disrespectful behavior, like trolling, art theft, or scamming, especially that last one,

or D: Any combination thereof.

-No, I can’t draw your request/trade/commish. in a style other than my own.

-You actually have to give something in return for an art trade. That’s why it’s called a trade. Likewise, you must pay for your commission(s).

Failure to do this will result in a report and in commission cancellation.

-No amount of money or gifts will allow you to bypass these or any other policies.

-I always have the right to decline a request/art trade/commission, even if I said "yes", if the request is inappropriate(see Fan Art policies), too complex/detailed for that bracket (like a huge scene for a "request"), or if you engage in disrespectful behavior. The artist always has the right to decline requests they can not or are unwilling to do. (In such a case, the commission money will be refunded.)

Sixth: General and Miscellaneous

-You can make adoptables of my species, but you must credit me and link both back to their lore page (the one deviation/piece where it explains in detail what it is) and to this policy page, as the adoptables would count as fanart.     The lore pages can be found in the description of the element index:


(Newgrounds version currently unavailable)

  (You can also link back to me, but those two pages are pretty much already links to me, so you don’t have to.)

    -Adoptables must be open, you can not make a closed species if it’s not even your species, and if they are not free or draw-to-own you must give me a reasonable share of the profits.

-You can totally make similar species, as there’s no way I can stop you and more fire breathing rabbits and animate paper Mache would actually be pretty cool.

-However, you may not just rip-off my stuff- that’s wrong, and you will probably end up reported. Or at least unpopular. (Actually, depending on your standards that could actually be worse.)

-Please do not name your account on any site things like "Xismywaifu" or "Xsgirlfriend" or similar, where "x" is one of my characters.  

As stated in the fanart policies they are not, and you will regret that name in a few years- trust me. 

It's one thing to be called, say, "Nekowlover"- it's another thing entirely to have "Felixsgirlfriend". ^^;                                                   

-If you have questions about something not covered here or think there’s something I should add, do tell.

-Always remember: Have fun. ^ ^



  • Give credit
  • No Reposts
  • No involving my IP in your politics and/or petty nonsense
  • No A rated, porn or fetish art of my characters
  • No psychotic fan behavior
  • Don't be a jerk
  • Use common sense
  • Have fun. ^ ^

The Deviantart Version of the Policy Page, if you want to see it for some reason:https://www.deviantart.com/griffonmender/journal/Simple-Policy-Page-689020235


Posted by Griffonmender - January 4th, 2023

It's been a rough December, but a new year has arrived!

So far, I've got the first of many Deviantart pieces uploaded- https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/griffonmender/felix-sticker

As for the acquiring of Prismacolor alternatives, that too is going smoothly.

I've managed to get the full set of Derwent Procolour Pencils, and an Amazon gift card received from my aunt allowed me to nab the 12 count Derwent Metallics. (Granted, there's still 8 more metallic colors to get, but even the incomplete set is quadruple the number of metallic pencils in the Prismacolor line- and these are available individually.)

Depending on how much I get paid on Friday, I could get the full 72 Count Derwent Inktense and 150 count Holbein sets in one go.

I also got some neat color chart printables to get a better idea of what my palette looks like, and discovered I had two blue and one gray Prismacolor I just... didn't know I had?

So far, I've determined that the Procolours aren't quite as smooth as Prismacolor, but there are less "uncooperative" pencils that refuse to be completely smooth, and the uncooperative Derwents have less unwanted texture overall in comparison. So far, so good.

I also set up a Spring store- currently the only design is Sticker Felix (see above), but I hope to add more designs in due time. (My Redbubble store has nothing new currently, by I plan on adding most of the designs on there to Spring as well.)

I haven't drawn much, but I've made considerable progress organizing my notes and concepts for my comic Dreamtamers. It should be much easier to keep track of everything now.

Overall, things are going according to plan.

I'll post more updates as needed, but for now, that's all for today.

Have a good day. ^ ^


Posted by Griffonmender - December 24th, 2022

Merry Christmas, everyone! ^ ^


Posted by Griffonmender - December 10th, 2022

I had to put my cat Neptune down on Monday.

I now have a personal grudge against kidney disease.

I'm ok, and the other cats are ok, but looking over at his favorite corner of my bed and seeing it empty... doesn't feel too great.

I don't think it helps that this is now the third year in a row that one of the cats has died, and the second time due to chronic illness.

I just miss my stripey boy.

I'm making some progress on my work, but I need a little time.


Posted by Griffonmender - December 4th, 2022

I will be prioritizing uploads on Newgrounds over my Deviantart account now.

(Da here: https://www.deviantart.com/griffonmender )

I'm not sure if I'm leaving DA or not yet.

In the meantime, I had the excellent timing to purchase a year of core right before the whole AI debacle, so at the very least I have to hang out until it runs out, because I'm not going to get that money back. ^ ^;

Even if I do ultimately shift fully onto Newgrounds, I will not be deleting my DA account, but will simply stop uploading anything to it other than announcements and leave it as an archive.

But let's get back to the subject of uploads.

After a long week of work, I have archived everything from my Deviantart Gallery.

Not only will I be reuploading all of this to Newgrounds, but I will be giving many of these works some serious improvement.

Since I always keep my originals, I will be rescanning much of my old work, resulting in better color accuracy, quality, and clarity.

Likewise, I will be rephotographing my physical works so that they can benefit from the better camera quality that is now available to me.

I will also return to seriously working on my comic, Dreamtamers.

Not only will I continue improving character designs as mentioned in previous updates, but all of the 2017 pages will get brand new art.

But don't worry if you still like the original Chapter 1.

It (and the never-before-seen pages for Chapter 2) will still be up, but with the new designation of "OG". The original "OG" pages will be linked to their new counterparts- and vice versa- so that you can easily swap between the two versions.

I will require some patience in this endeavour, as aside from the time all of the editing, rescanning, drawing, and so forth will take, there is a *slight* supply problem.

Although I've used Prismacolor Color Pencils for many years now, the single pencil refills that were one of the main reasons I used them have been discontinued.

Thankfully I wasn't completely blindsided by this since I heard about it being a possibility from my local art supply store several months ago, but I had hoped it wouldn't happen, or at least that I'd have more time.

I know from testing the other pencils available last time I was there that Derwent- especially Procolor Derwent- and Holbien are the closest matches available, but it will still take awhile for me to acquire, test, and adjust to the new pencils. I still have a decent stock of Prismacolors for now, but it's only a matter of time before the remaining single pencils run out.

On the bright side, the rest of my supplies are in good stock and can be refilled reasonably.

In conclusion, I have a lot to upload on DA and on Newgrounds (but mostly Newgrounds), and I hope you all have a good day. ^ ^


Posted by Griffonmender - December 2nd, 2022

After many hours of work, I've finally archived everything from my Deviantart gallery.

Now all that's left is the long process of rescanning, editing, and uploading everything.

But for tonight, my work is done.


Posted by Griffonmender - November 30th, 2022

I've reached page 7 of 28 of my Deviantart Gallery. After starting out on page 28 with my first submissions, I'm now less than ten pages of content away from archiving everything.

If I work hard again tomorrow, I could finally complete this task.


Posted by Griffonmender - November 29th, 2022

I'm somewhere between 1/3 and halfway down archiving all of my work from Deviantart from the looks of the file count and the page I'm on in my gallery.

At this rate, I could be done sooner than expected.

Also began prepping for upload by setting up some playlists to correlate with my DA gallery folders.

It's not perfect, but it should suffice.


Posted by Griffonmender - November 17th, 2022

If anyone needs me, I'm busy archiving all of my deviations and/or preparing them for upload on Newgrounds.

26 done... out of 653.

Pray for me. x.x


Posted by Griffonmender - November 11th, 2022

If anyone else also posts on DeviantArt, be sure to go into your account settings to opt out of AI art.

For some reason, when implementing the otherwise useful new feature of opting out of AI art, DA botched the execution by setting it to Opt- IN by default.
